Enjoyment of the countryside
Most of the potential greenfield development sites around Bolney are located on high ground overlooking the village. Development of ANY of these sites will have house roof profiles high above, and overlooking, the historic settlement and will be visible from existing adjacent houses, roads and footpaths and also from a surprising distance away.
Historic views will be interrupted, not only from height such as from the church tower, but also looking back to the church from footpaths such as 44BO which is part of the Diamond Jubilee walk.
Walking groups from outside the village are attracted by the scenery that Bolney offers, bringing custom to one or other of the two local pubs, vineyard or community cafe.
At least two footpaths of the Diamond Jubilee Walk are under threat of having their vistas spoiled and path width restricted by fencing (18Bo Ryecroft Road to the school and 44Bo The Street to the Vineyard).
Access to ANY development site should never cross a public footpath or right of way or bridleway for safety reasons. It would also erode the amenity value of our footpaths and Diamond Jubilee Walk. (Development at Foxhole Farm does not propose to do this but we need to be vigilant)
Additional traffic from rat-running through our narrow streets and lanes poses a serious safety risk to children, dog-walkers, horse-riders and cyclists from inappropriate speed and lack of awareness of hazardous bends etc.
Large scale developments increasing the volume of vehicles on the road and putting additional pressure on the lanes will detract further from quiet enjoyment of the countryside.