How to submit comments to Mid Sussex District Council planning

How do I comment on a planning application?

Comment online:

Mid Sussex Online planning register 

If the application is outside the statutory consultation period and you wish to add your thoughts and comments - please contact the Case Officer.

Comment in writing:

If you want to comment in writing - please email: or the case officer.

Or write to:
Planning Department
Oaklands Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 1SS

Please note: To register your comments you will need to send us your name and address. There may be a delay of up to 5 working days before any comments appear online.


Most applications are decided upon by our planning officers, although some larger or more controversial applications are referred to a planning committee. If the application is to be determined by the planning committee and you have commented on it, you will receive written notification prior to the meeting of its date, time and venue.

Contact us:

Planning Tel: 01444-477566


Copied from the Planning Portal Feb 2024: