What is the last date for submitting my views?

Friday 23rd February 2024 by 23:59 BUT...
Try and do it earlier in case of power or broadband outages

Can my teenager submit comments?

Everyone in your household is free to submit their comments, there is no age limit

Can anybody submit comments to the consultation?

Yes, all members of the community and stakeholders are encouraged to respond

Can't I just write a letter?

We strongly recommend that whichever way you choose to respond, you fill out the Representation Form as this includes all the information required. We have put an example of a completed form and a fresh form on the 'How to Submit' page of this website.

Can I give out a templated letter for people to submit or collect neighbours' signatures on a petition-style letter?

Both methods of submitting objections are valid. However, it is important to note that by using their own words, people's objections will have more impact and authenticity. Personal concerns, experiences and observations will be more powerful and reflective of their unique perspectives, conveying a deeper understanding and emotional connection to the issues.
Petition-style letters will only count as one submission in any statistical analysis of number of responses per parish.

Should I reiterate the points I made before?

Your previous submission is a great starting point but the Plan has changed and there may be new information you wish to include and new observations to make, e.g. your experience of recent water and power failures. Also bear in mind that the independent inspector may not know Bolney at all so you may need to adjust how you describe things.

What is Bolney Parish Council doing?

The PC has been addressing the draft Plan at recent meetings. You can review the Minutes on the bolney.com website. They are also informing residents with a leaflet drop, informal drop-in sessions, announcements on bolney.com (Blog), Bolney Facebook page and Nextdoor.

Where can I view a paper copy of the draft District Plan Regulation 19?

It is available at the Council Offices and Libraries. There is also a copy in the Rawson Hall on the shelf near the entrance.

Where can I view other people's responses?

Responses from the current Regulation 19 consultation on the District Plan will be made available upon submission of the plan and supporting evidence to the Secretary of State. This is scheduled for Spring 2024.

Can I change/update my online submission later?

Yes, you will be given a chance to review your online submission and make edits when you have first completed your submission. Then you will receive a confirmation email with a link which allows you to make further edits.

What happens after the consultation closes?

  • The final Plan is published for consultation from 12th Jan to 23rd Feb 2024

  • Submission to Planning Inspectorate for Examination – Spring 2024

  • Formal adoption – 2024