Planning issues

* Glebelands: 75 new dwellings - response to Squires Planning by 10th March 2024

Just before the end of the Reg 19 consultation period, "Glebelands" came forward as a proposal for 54 new homes (48 would be affordable, some rental, some ownership), 15 self-build plots and 6 live/work units, total 75 dwellings. This 13 acre field is located north of Lodge Lane and is currently used partly for equine pasture and partly for intermittent sheep grazing. The owners have dropped A5 flyers through the doors of Bolney parishioners and details are available at

Community engagement was held in two sessions in March 2024 and residents gave feedback. They are now collating comments and getting pre-app advice from MSDC and WSCC Highways Authority.

* Nailards Wood Cross Colwood Lane Reclamation Yard - consultation ended 5th March 2024

29 representation letters lodged on planning portal by residents.

Nailards Wood (opposite the proposed Glebelands) was granted a "Lawful Development Certificate for the existing use of land for the open storage of reclaimed building materials" on 28th October 2015. On 28 April 2023 they announced on Facebook that all reclamation stock had been moved from the salvage yard behind Burgess Hill railway station and relocated at Nailards Wood. It is our understanding that they do not have permission for sales at this site. Planning history is listed below.

Customers and HGVs will use the narrow lanes and put pressure on the A272 junction at Crosspost. Heavy HGVs cause damage to the road surface and soft verges, and passing places are inadequate. The lanes through and around the village are not suitable for increased volumes of traffic. There is concern regarding disturbance of the ancient woodland. In addition, the business has disregarded MSDC's planning rules which everyone else has to abide by. Retrospective planning permission relies on forgiveness and acceptance.

What you can do:
Submit your comments on the planning portal, link below, referencing DM/24/0131
You can also view other comments immediately (unlike Reg 19).
Other methods of response are available but time is short.

The Mid Sussex District draft Plan Regulation 19
consultation period has now ended (Foxhole Farm)

Mid Sussex District Council will now collate the responses and prepare a summary report to the Inspector. Note that all responses are provided to the Inspector in full and will also be made available to the public at this point.

• Examination anticipated Summer 2024

• Subject to Planning Inspector’s Examination and the Council’s approval
Adoption end 2024