The Street and the lanes

Increased traffic is inevitable with any large new development. For example, 200 houses could easily mean 300-400 additional cars on the road, possibly even more for larger houses as children reach driving age. There will be more grocery and Amazon delivery vehicles on tight schedules who do not necessarily know the roads and traffic, adding to existing hazards.

As well as localised journeys, this will increase the normal traffic jams at the junctions on the A272, with the knock-on effect of creating rat-runs through the village when they are at their worst. The hamlet of Crosspost in particular suffers from this routinely and it is not uncommon in other parts of Bolney. This is extremely hazardous as some drivers are likely to be new to the narrow lanes and their limitations. An example of this occurred on Sunday 21st April when there was a crash on the A272 between Spronketts Lane and Crosspost. All the local lanes were affected by traffic trying to divert, in particular there were reports of increased traffic on Lodge Land and Cross Colwood Lane and also secondary accidents were seen on Google Maps on the A272, Wineham Lane, Spronketts Lane and the short stretch between the roundabout and the nursery near the A23.

The additional traffic on our narrow lanes would pose a serious safety risk to children, dog-walkers, horse-riders and cyclists.

The additional traffic on our narrow lanes would likely degrade the roads or cause damage to vehicles from potholes, fallen trees after a storm, etc.

Any new development with direct access to The Street will hold unacceptable danger to pedestrians and cyclists. There are few raised footpaths for safe passage and limited visibility to motorists due to parked cars. Pushing a buggy to the school from Foxhole Farm would not be a pleasant experience.

The volume and behaviour of road traffic on The Street and the lanes has already necessitated a 20mph limit to be imposed. Additional traffic will only make the situation worse.