Village character and setting

Write descriptions of Bolney's setting and character as if the person reading does not know Bolney at all.

Large scale development will damage the character of this mainly ribbon development, historic Sussex village. True integration with Bolney cannot be achieved with large scale developments which would swamp the identity of the village.

Bolney is situated partially in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and has views across to the South Downs National Park. Interactive map Foxhole Farm is immediately adjacent to conservation areas.

Bolney is a historic Sussex village with 45 listed buildings, including the Grade 1 parish church (one of only ten in Mid-Sussex). The over-development planned will permanently and adversely change the historic nature of the village and compromise its rural context. This is a loss for everyone in Mid-Sussex, not just village residents.

Several of the potential greenfield development sites in Bolney which have come forward in the past hoping for consent to develop over time are located on high ground overlooking the village. Development of any these sites will have house profiles high above, and overlooking, the historic settlement and will be visible from existing adjacent houses, roads and footpaths and also from a surprising distance away.

Historic views will be interrupted, not only from height such as from the church tower, but also looking back to the church from footpaths such as 44BO to the vineyard which is part of the Diamond Jubilee Walk.

Walking groups from outside the village are attracted by the scenery, bringing custom to the local pub, vineyard and community cafe. Large scale development will compromise this scenery.